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Post date
11/21/2022 - 22:46
Last modified
11/21/2022 - 22:52
Profile picture for user superadmin

A recording of the presentations from the TEW Conference on “ISO 18587 standard on Post-editing of MT - Theory, Practice and related issues", organized by the European Commission - Romanian Rep. & the Polish Association of Translation Companies (PSBT), held on 27 October 2022, is now available on-line!

Just click on the following LINK to access the recording on YouTube.

The Conference Program is available HERE.

Post date
10/15/2020 - 19:43
Last modified
10/15/2020 - 19:45
Profile picture for user superadmin

We take this opportunity to thank all the members of our Association who participated in the Annual General Meeting of PSBT which was held remotely on 02.10.2020.

The present pandemic, apart from all the negative aspects, also has some positive ones - such as new ideas and solutions. In case of our Association, it’s the remote meetings, which are really convenient for members from different geographical locations, that are a really positive development! We would like to thank our member Studio Gambit for providing us with access to the Zoom video communications facility!

Apart from elections of the Members of the Association's governing bodies there were a lot of topics for discussion at the GM. The participants were really glad to have the chance to chat, exchange information and experiences. In these uncertain economic times, it is good to be able to talk to someone you can trust from the same industry sector. This is undoubtedly a great added value of our Association.

The GM went very smoothly, all the items on the agenda were discussed, including the financial situation of the Association which is very good, actions taken in the reporting period, plans for future actions (including division of tasks), reports on the activities of the Board, Fellow Members Arbitration Committee and the Audit Committee.

Members using Facebook are encouraged to sign up for the PSBT FB Conversation Group and we look forward to our next PSBT remote meeting in January 2021.

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